Ruin of Sogi Power Plant and Sogi-no-Taki Waterfall

Ruin of Sogi Power Plant and Sogi-no-Taki Waterfall

A majestic waterfall that spans 210 metres, large volumes of water gushes down the sides of the wide cliff of Sogi-no-Taki, falling 12 metres to the plunge pool below. The remains of the Sogi Power Plant(旧曽木発電所遺構), a hydroelectric power plant completed in 1909, boasting the largest power output in Japan during that time, is located about 1.5 km downstream. The medieval European-styled brick wall of the power plant is submerged underwater with the construction of the Tsuruda dam in 1965, and its full glory can only be witnessed during the dry season from May to September.


